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Can you use Feng Shui in the kitchen? Yes, you can!

  • Inspiration
  • 08/10/2023
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    We're here this time to tell you about Feng Shui. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? But maybe you're not too sure what it's really about.

    So let's start with the basics. Although you might associate Feng Shui simply with décor, it goes much further than that. It is an ancient Chinese philosophy that seeks to balance people's energy by considering the way in which different elements are distributed in the places they inhabit.

    The aim is to improve quality of life and it does so through chi (the energy of living beings) and nature's five elements: earth, metal, water, wood and fire.

    We want to help you Live More in the Kitchen, so here are some tips from us on how to apply Feng Shui in your favourite room.


    Fire, the main element

    Fire - and its contemporary forms - is the predominant element in the kitchen. We use it every day to cook or heat food. But because of its capacity to destroy, we also need to manage its intensity.

    Our first piece of advice therefore is to group together all your sources of heat (hob, oven, microwave) and separate them as much as you can from water-related items (sink, dishwasher, washing machine). This can include placing barriers between them, such as other furniture. Besides being good for Feng Shui, this is also one of the basic safety recommendations for your kitchen.

    Part of this philosophy includes preventing fire from spreading in the event of an accident by moving reflective surfaces - such as mirrors - away from heat sources.


    Disorder - the enemy of balance

    Although it may seem obvious (after all, it has been recommended as part of the Feng Shui approach for more than 3500 years), some people still do not apply a basic rule - namely: order is the key to personal and energetic balance.

    Therefore, under the Feng Shui philosophy, it is recommended to free up worktops and other work surfaces by storing kitchen items and utensils in closed cupboards. However, if you're someone who needs to keep everything within sight, it is better to choose furniture that is open or has glass doors - so long as you are able to keep things organised and it helps your kitchen processes.


    Orienting your kitchen

    According to Feng Shui, your kitchen should be close to the entrance of the house to support the flow of energy. Ideally though it should not be visible when entering the house. Another suggestion is that the bathroom and kitchen doors should not face each other to avoid weakening the energy in your favourite room.

    It's not just the orientation of the kitchen that needs to be right, but also your position in it. Therefore you should avoid having your back to the door when preparing food. This will give you an idea about where and how to set out your working areas.


    Colours for a positive chi

    It has been proven that colours influence our mood. And, according to Feng Shui, they also have the power to shift our energy towards one extreme or the other.

    In the kitchen, it is recommended to use colours and materials that bring warm tones to the room (especially if you are going to eat there as well as cook), as they are a symbol of protection, abundance and security.

    So, avoid overly cold colours like pure white, black and blue. If you like these colours (and we love them!), just make sure to incorporate elements of wood or other organic materials to provide balance.

    Another of Feng Shui's great colours is green, which should be used in neutral environments if you are looking for evolution and stability in your home. You can incorporate it by using decorative objects or plants - as we explain in this article.


    What did you think of these tips? Are you inspired to try them out in your kitchen?


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