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5 tips to keep your kitchen perfect - effortlessly!

  • Tips
  • 11/02/2024
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    1. ALWAYS do the dishes

    We know: doing the dishes right after lunch or dinner can be one of the laziest things in life. But believe us when we tell you that making this small gesture a habit can change your relationship with your kitchen maintenance.

    For a start, a full sink gives a very bad impression, making us think that the kitchen is dirtier than we think. The smell that leftover food can generate doesn't help either. And finally, the "guilt" that haunts us for not having done the dishes makes it seem like a much bigger chore than it really is.

    So make a commitment to clean your kitchen and do the dishes and utensils as you use them. If you also have a dishwasher, you have no excuse.


    1. Small gestures

    Following on from our previous tip, here is another essential: clean up after yourself. If, for example, during cooking, we clean splashes immediately, we will prevent stains from drying and/or becoming encrusted and more difficult to remove.


    1. at your fingertips!

    Cleaning products and utensils should always be close at hand. For this, you will find the different solutions for internal organisation of the drawers very useful. You can use drawers at different levels to make the most of the space in the sink unit to store cloths, sponges or products that you use on a daily basis.

    Make sure that other utensils such as hoovers or mops are accessible in a cabinet that is ready to store them neatly and tidily.

    If everything is within easy reach, cleaning will be easier and more manageable, I say!


    1. In sight, only the essentials

    An uncluttered worktop is the key to keeping the kitchen in perfect condition. On the one hand, cleaning it will be much quicker and, on the other hand, you won't multiply the surfaces to be cleaned.

    A clear example is small electrical appliances: if they are left on the worktop or on other surfaces such as open shelves, they will attract dust and even oil stains if they are too close to the cooking area.

    So we recommend that you only keep in sight the ones you use every day, such as the kettle, air fryer or food processor. You can dedicate a drawer exclusively for storing the rest (blender, sandwich maker, etc.) and configure the interior storage systems so that they are all well organised and easy to take out and put away again.


    1. The fridge, always in order

    The fridge is one of the elements in which most chaos occurs, although at first glance it may not seem so. And we are not only talking about disorder, but also about dirt, bad smells and even the consequences of these on the food.

    So we recommend keeping the fridge free of spoiled or out-of-date products. An uncluttered fridge will always be cleaner and easier to clean. You can take advantage of the shopping days to get rid of the food that you can no longer consume and clean the fridge before putting in the new ones.

    If you want to keep it spotless on the outside too, a good trick is to panel it with the same fronts as the rest of the furniture to make cleaning easier. What's more, it's an absolute trend!


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